FundFlash Europe

A concise, two-minute read of the month’s key industry developments for busy fund professionals.

Do you need to keep your fingers on the pulse of Europe’s fund industries but do not have much time? Then FundFlash is for you and best of all, it’s free!

FundFlash Europe is published on the day FundFile updates with latest month-end data so data and commentary are always fresh, timely and relevant.

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FundFlash Europe features up-to-the-minute commentary and analysis of the key European markets as well as:

- Sales and asset rankings by market
- Top and bottom sectors
- Month-on-month sales breakdown 
- European heat map showing where the month’s sales were generated. 

Our market definitions:

International funds: A fund that sources less than any 80% of assets from any single country regardless of domicile. Funds are analysed annually and updated accordingly.

Domestic funds: A fund is allocated to a market if 80% or more of assets are sourced from that country regardless of where it is domiciled. For example, a Belgian-domiciled fund that is only sold in the Czech Republic would be allocated to the Czech market and not the Belgian market. Funds are analysed annually and updated accordingly.

Other reports: 

For more detailed reports on different topics, please visit the Press & Media page of our web site, where ad hoc reports are available to download at no charge.